
Martha Arbayani Bin Zaidan, B.Eng., M.Sc.(Eng.), Ph.D., Docent, MIET, SMIEEE

Academy Research Fellow | Data Scientist

Leader of the IRON group

Department of Computer Science

Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT)

Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR)

University of Helsinki

Exactum building, second floor (C231)

Pietari Kalmin katu 5, 00560 Helsinki 

FI-00560 Helsinki, Finland



This is my personal website, presenting my profile as well as my professional activities. 

In case you want to collaborate, this website contains my research interests, publications and on-going projects as well as research activities.

My current and previous employments as well as my education are also shown here. 

This website is linked to personal activities and my personal blogs, where they show some science/engineering articles, discussion on environmental issues, nature and some of my world trips. 

FAQ about me:

Q: Who am I? 

A: My biopic can be found here

Q: What are the purposes of this web?

A: As mentioned above, this web serves primarily to present my profile, my activities, and other information related to my expertise. In addition to that, this website is expected to provide useful information to some professionals (from academia, industry, and/or other institutions) who are interested in establishing collaboration with me and/or my research institution in the future. 

Q: What are my activities?

A: I am a research scientist in machine learning, control systems, and health monitoring technologies. Currently, I am working as an Academy Research Fellow and Data Scientist at the Department of Computer Science (CS) and Institute of Atmospheric and Earth System Research at the University of Helsinki, Finland. My activities are mainly in research of the aforementioned area of technologies, and other tasks related to academics (e.g. making research proposals, teaching, organizing and participating in scientific events, e.g., workshops and conferences. I have also paid a lot of attention to environmental issues, my current related activity is an online campaign to protect and restore tropical rainforests in Indonesia.

Q: What is the best way to reach me?

A: Email is the most preferred method to communicate with me.

Q: How to meet me in person? 

A: My office is located in Kumpula, Helsinki, Finland.

Q: Where can people find me when I am on holiday?

A: I love spending my vacation in a tropical country. The best place ever is still my hometown, Aceh, a special region of Indonesia, located at the northern end of Sumatra. This is really a tropical paradise on the earth. See the videos below.

You can also please read my blog below.